Product: KYRON Maxisulf LA 500ml

KYRON Maxisulf LA 500ml


Long acting injectable solution for the treatment of footrot, navel-ill, joint-ill and pneumonia in stock, coccidiosis and bacterial scours in calves and lambs and strangles in horses. Long-acting sulpha antibiotic.


Long acting injectable solution for the treatment of footrot, navel-ill, joint-ill and pneumonia in stock, coccidiosis and bacterial scours in calves and lambs and strangles in horses. Long-acting sulpha antibiotic.

Sodium Sulphadimethoxine 40 % m/v

Day of treatment: Day 1: 2 ml per 10 kg;
Day 2 – 5: 1 ml per 10 kg live mass

Route of administration: Subcutaneous or slow intravenous injection

Meat: 7 days
Milk: 2 days


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